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Mancinelli Cesarina

Progetto Europeo di Educazione Scientifica

Nel 2016 è stato presentato il rapporto conclusivo (AA.VV. 2016) del Programma Operativo Nazionale (PON) “Competenze per lo sviluppo”, promosso dalla Direzione Generale per gli Affari Internazionali del Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca italiano (MIUR).  Il PON 2007/2013 ha visto il coinvolgimento di circa 4.000 istituti scolastici delle regioni Calabria, Puglia, Campania e Sicilia in attività di formazione per docenti, per migliorare la qualità dell’insegnamento – apprendimento delle scienze e della matematica.

Los mapas conceptuales en diferentes lenguajes y en las redes sociales

En el paper se describen los entornos educativos y de aprendizaje diseñados y utilizados para alumnos de un Instituto de Turismo y Hotelería de Turín (15-17 años).
Los entornos están enfocados en mapas conceptuales cen lenguajes diferentes construidos por los estudiantes en formato digital y multimedia con C-MAP (http://cmap.ihmc.us/).

Motivation and learning Kindergarten children experiences with CMaps in an Italian school

The teachers Iustini M.Teresa, Giovanna Cipollari e Felici Luigina, have collaborated in the project.
The preservation of environment, as a highly ethical subject, is fundamental knowledge, and demands a cultural change. We believe it is very important to get to make children aware of such a value. Didactics becomes vital when it uses maps, laboratories, circle time, cooperative learning and metacognition, and can make children realize that even little changes in everyday life can activate mechanisms for awareness, mindful employment of natural resources.

Concept Maps in Kindergarten

Concept maps were used in 21 schools of the MIUR Pilot Project "Le parole della scienza" with the participation of 6,000 Italian children to promote meaningful learning. The experience with concept maps described in this paper refers to scientific language teaching to 4-5 year old children in kindergarten. In 2003-2004 school year 56 children built concept maps in two different classes. Children produced a total of about 180 maps on their notebooks regarding manipulation experiences with the following objects: pumpkin, nest, papier-màché, vintage, cement, water, orange, sand.
